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Aging well through education and support

Welcome to, a free website providing education and resources on brain/behavior issues of aging. These pages and links are a source of factual medical information for those growing into old age and the people who care for them.


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If you click on one of the tabs going across the to of the page, you will be taken to other sections of the website: the About tab introduces the author and will introduce future contributors, the Patients tab offers information on a variety of topics of concern to elders and those growing old, the Clinicians tab leads to lectures with more technical and scientific content, and the Contact tab provides a way for you to talk to each other and to us.


If you click on any of the Helpful Links going down the right side of this page, you will be taken to other websites of interest. For example, the AAA link will connect you with information from that organization about issues related to safe driving for elders, while the Geriatric Psychiatrists link will take you to a list of doctors (members of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry) who practice geriatric psychiatry. The Clinical Trials link will connect you with the search page for research studies registered with the National Institutes of Health.


The links provided at the lower right side of this page will take you to the Current Blog associated with this site, and with time, to the Blog Archives. We hope that you enjoy the discussions, and that you feel welcome to join in.


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